Importing Fabrics into EQ8

With Sara Seuberling


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Class Overview

All quilters have a fabric stash in their sewing rooms — some larger than others! The best way to make use of that fabric is to use it in your next quilt project. EQ8 makes designing quilts with your fabric easy…and fun!

This half-day class will show you how simple it is to add your own fabric stash to EQ8. Learn how to import fabric scans, straighten, scale, crop and add the fabrics to your Favorites library! Explore additional ways to add more fabrics to your library, such as: downloading from a fabric manufacturer’s website, saving a fabric image from the web, and downloading new libraries provided by The Electric Quilt Company.

You’ll love being able to design quilts using fabrics that you own, and/or fabrics you plan to purchase in the future. These skills will help you design a true-to-life masterpiece!

Note: This class was offered at previous EQ Academy workshops and may cover similar material.

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