Willing to travel

Electric Quilt (EQ8) is a virtual design software that will help you make the most of your creative quilt-making before cutting into you $tash! In this class you will learn to navigate the software using design libraries and coloring pallets for fabrics, blocks, appliqués, foundations, quilt lay-outs, sashings, borders and stencils. You will also learn to estimate fabric yardage, use rotary cutting instructions and print foundation patterns!

Zoom Classroom
Location: Simply Sewing Center, Stockbridge GA
4518 N Henry Blvd Suite 109
Stockbridge GA 30281
Phone: 1-678-271-2086
Level: Beginner
Sessions: The 1st Monday, monthly
Time: 7:00pm to 9:30pm

Supplies & Equipment
- Electric Quilt 8 (software must be loaded and validated to be class-ready)
- Laptop with a corded mouse & matt (must have working knowledge of your own laptop)
- Book – EQ8: Lessons for Beginners
- Notes – Pen/pencil/highlighter and Notepad

Available for: Hands-on classes, Online class sessions, In-store classes, Guild presentations