S2019 - Getting Started with EQ8 (2-day series)

With Mary Ellen Kranz


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Hall Pass Request Form
  1. This class is part of a learning series. To enroll in this class, you must have previously completed the prerequisite class listed above. If you have met this prerequisite, you can request a Hall Pass to bypass the class requirement.
  2. Please complete the form below to request a hall pass. We will contact you via email with your hall pass code. If you are requesting this code on an evening or weekend, we will respond the next business day.
  3. (required)
  4. (valid email required)
  5. Select the class in which you are trying to enroll.
  6. (required)

Class Overview

Are you new to EQ8? Have you owned earlier versions but just didn’t use the software? This class is perfect for beginner EQ8 users needing the full-EQ experience. Take an in-depth tour through the software to get a better understanding of the three worktables, the Project Sketchbook, and how to navigate the entire workspace so you can design your own beautiful blocks and quilts!

Join us for this two-day course and learn the tools for basic quilt designing. Edit blocks from the EQ Block Library to make them work for your quilt. Add borders of different widths and styles. Discover the many ways to expand your EQ8 software by adding more fabric. Study the many pattern-printing options available and learn how to find yardage estimates.

The best way to learn is by doing. You will learn so much as you practice and repeat steps, and it will never get boring because you’re creating beautiful quilts and blocks along the way! As your skills improve, you’ll no longer need step-by-step help. You will take home the skills and confidence to work independently in EQ8.

This is a 2-day class. Enrolling in this class requires that you attend both days.

This class was offered at the Spring and Fall 2018 EQ Academy and will cover similar material. However, we strongly recommend taking this class again if you still don’t feel you have great confidence when using the software. The “Exploring Intermediate Techniques in EQ8″ class is meant for those who have taken this “Getting Started with EQ8″ class previously (or a similar beginner class), have retained what they’ve learned, and are ready for more advanced learning.

This class is also being offered by a different teacher on a different day. View the other class option >

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