Mary Ellen Kranz

Mary Ellen Kranz has sewn and quilted since childhood. She found her career path in computers but continued to pursue quiltmaking. Her quilts appear in shows and galleries reflecting a broad range of skills and techniques.

Thirty+ years of experience provided her with an understanding of how computer technology could blend together in the process of creating fiber art. Mary Ellen shares her knowledge of how to combine your quiltmaking ideas and vision with the power of EQ8 software. Her classes provide an opportunity to learn and use EQ8 with confidence under the guidance of a creative and patient teacher.

Mary Ellen's Classes

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    Fall2019-Getting Started with EQ8 (2-day)

    With Mary Ellen Kranz

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    Fall2019-Photos, Panels, & T-shirt Quilts

    With Mary Ellen Kranz

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    S2019 - Designing Panel & Photo Quilts in EQ8

    With Mary Ellen Kranz

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    S2019 - Getting Started with EQ8 (2-day series)

    With Mary Ellen Kranz

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    S2019 - How to Teach an EQ8 Class

    With Mary Ellen Kranz

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    Spring 2018 - Creating Photo Quilts

    With Mary Ellen Kranz

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    Spring 2018 - Getting Started with EQ8 (2-day series)

    With Mary Ellen Kranz

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    Spring 2018 - Working with Fabric in EQ8

    With Mary Ellen Kranz
