Fall2019-Photos, Panels, & T-shirt Quilts

With Mary Ellen Kranz


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Hall Pass Request Form
  1. This class is part of a learning series. To enroll in this class, you must have previously completed the prerequisite class listed above. If you have met this prerequisite, you can request a Hall Pass to bypass the class requirement.
  2. Please complete the form below to request a hall pass. We will contact you via email with your hall pass code. If you are requesting this code on an evening or weekend, we will respond the next business day.
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Class Overview

Using EQ8′s Image Worktable, learn to edit and transform photos (family pictures, vacation shots, scans of old t-shirts, etc.) to become key design elements of your next quilt. Explore various ways to incorporate images into quilt settings on your computer screen. Use color-matching tools and the latest fabric printing techniques.

Love panels? Learn the best ways for getting your panel print into EQ8 at the correct size, then get tips for designing perfect borders around your panel. Only need to use part of the panel? No problem! EQ’s photo tools allow you to use whichever part of your panel you need!

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